Anjuman-I-Islam Public School & Jr.College

Golden School Award 2018-19:

Students at AIPS, Panchgani participate in huge number in Indian Talent Olympiad (ITO) Olympiad exams organized by ITO are scholarship exams every year. Millions of students and schools take part in these exams but only a handful clear through these exams. ‘Indian Talent Search English Olympiad’ honoured AIPS, Panchgani with Golden School Award for maximum students clearing the Olympiad exam in first grade. The students of the English Olympiad were trained by our English teacher Mr. Sadik Hussain, Mrs. Patel and Mrs. Fatima Khan


Inspire Award:

Every year our students form Science Hobby club present their selected science models for ‘Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research’ (INSPIRE) scheme, one of the flagship programmes of Department of Science & Technology, Government of India. The objective of the scheme is to target one million original ideas/innovations rooted in science and societal applications to foster a culture of creativity and innovative thinking among school children.

Master Anas Khan (Std VIII) wonthe above award at Taluka level with a cash price of  Rs 10,000 for his ‘Laser Light Security System’ project. He was guided our science teacher by Mr. Abdul Quadeer